Javascript course
Javascript course

We will prove that concepts like closures, hoisting, IIFE, encapsulation, and more are as easy as drinking a glass of water. In this course, you will go from a beginner to a job-ready JS Developer. With 21 highly structured sections distributed over 30 hours plus of content and 227 lectures, including crystal-clear presentations, detailed explanations, coding challenges, and a complete professional real-life project. It is the most comprehensive JavaScript course in the market. This course follows a robust structure and a result-driven approach based on “learning by doing”, which has helped our students secure web development jobs in the past. Create and develop your own programming portfolio.Whether you have no programming background or have some experience with JavaScript but admit that you struggle with advanced JavaScript coding or feel intimidated when you come across “weird” JavaScript concepts such as Closures, Encapsulation, or IIFE, this is the course for you!.

javascript course

Know how a program is interpreted and executed in an actual local and remote computer environment.Understand a programmer’s work in the software development process and the role of fundamental development tools.Design, develop, and improve JavaScript programs.Think algorithmically and analyze problems.It also prepares you for the JSE - Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification from OpenEDG JavaScript Institute. Programming skills open you up to careers in almost any industry and are required if you want to continue to more advanced and higher paying web, mobile app, or game development roles.Ĭompleting the course earns you a Statement of Achievement. Learn how interactive web and mobile apps are created with JavaScript – and learn to program your own! JavaScript is a text-based programming language, and this course is a great place to start learning programming. Watching an embedded video on your news app, using the search box on Amazon, or refreshing your Instagram feed.

javascript course

You likely use web-based and mobile applications every day. Learn JavaScript, the language of the web

Javascript course